Tuesday, July 22, 2008

King Arthur and the Quest for "Megafish"

Note: guy in the following story is not actually King Arthur.

Watch out, fish world! An American scientist is on the prowl, and he's out to capture your king. Drawn by urban legends about gigantic freshwater stingrays (And then the cop said: We've traced the call. It's coming from the stingray shop above you! BUT IT WAS TOO LATE! Sorry for the interruption) Zeb Hogan has boldly ventured into Cambodia looking for the world's largest freshwater fish. And if he finds that legendary fish--a fish so big it could dwarf even the mythic White Sturgeon--he will...uh...have a really big fish on his hands.

Mr. Hogan (or "Zeb" to his friends) validates my hypothesis that no one can be a scientist without being a little crazy. Or, as in the case of guys like Isaac Newton, a lot crazy. Is there a direct correlation between craziness/brilliance?

Hmmm....if there is...consider this. God is omniscient, right? So, er-go, he is the most brilliant thing in existence, right? And so, wouldn't he be the craziest thing in existence?

My blog: proving God is crazy since 2008

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