Friday, July 25, 2008

I Laught at (Someone Else's) Death

Tee hee. A Virginia man executed for murder gave the following as his last words: "Tell the governor he just lost my vote." He was a bit miffed that Gov. Tim Kaine refused to pardon him, y'see. He also said "I'm just dying to get out of here." If he hadn't turned to murder as a career, he could've made a killing on the stand-up circuit.

As an added bonus, please enjoy this list of execution-related quips, courtesy "The Book of Lists."

"Are you sure it's safe?"
-William Palmer, eying the gallows on which he was to be hanged

"Nothing will happen I get there."
-Guy Clark, being told to hurry up on his way to the scaffold.

"I've always wanted to try everything once...Let's go!"
-Jesse Walter Bishop, a more adventurous man than I

"I have a terrific headline for you in the morning: 'French fries.'"
-James Donald French, just before his execution

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