Friday, March 13, 2009

Have You Seen Me?

This website--"NCAA Tournament's Forgotten Stars"--is a sobering reminder that not every star of March Madness goes on to become an NBA Hall-of-Famer making approximately three gazillion dollars every year.

Most of these guys would be happy to come off the bench as the eighteenth or nineteenth or thirty-fifth man for an NBA team. As it is, most of them now play for teams with names like the East Toledo Mudheans or the North Calawhacky Crabwalkers. A couple sell real estate. Surprisingly, none have died of a drug overdose, but I'm keeping an eye on Taurean Green. That guy always seemed a little shady to me.

Bonus fact! One of the guys, Donald Williams of UNC, now coaches girl's basketball at my old high school, Raleigh Charter. Coaching the Lady Phoenix might not be as prestigious as coaching the Lady Tar Heels (the Heelettes?), but it's a start.

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