Monday, March 16, 2009

Bill 53496J in the Illinois Senate

WHEREAS we have a little too much free time on our hands, and

WHEREAS we've pretty much cleared up every other piece of business, including getting that "recession" thing all sorted out, and

WHEREAS Ed, whose been a real trooper all year, has been waiting to get this bill passed for quite a while, and

WHEREAS, we feel kind of bad for Pluto ever since it got demoted from "planet" to "ball of rock and ice nobody gives a crap about," and

WHEREAS, we like adding "whereas" clauses because it makes it look like we're doing real work and not just sitting around;

THEREFORE, be it resolved, that Pluto is now a planet again and astronomers can go suck the wrong end of their telescopes.


Benstrider said...

How about this for a waste of time:

WS said...

That does mean if we change our name to the Buniversity of Borth Barolina, we never have to play KU again? Cause I'd be OK with that.