Monday, March 16, 2009

Bracket Racket

Who will you lose your bracket to? This article gives you the lowdown on the various non-sports fans who will wipe the floor with your predictions.

This year, I've decided to give up on the whole "picking teams based on merit" thing. It's let me down the past three years. No more! I declare my independence from national rankings, from seedings, from win-loss records.

I briefly considered using the old "which mascot would win a fight" yardstick, but then I realized everybody's doing that. I need something to set myself apart from all the rest.

Finally, it hit me. This year I'm going to pick the winners on the basis of "Whose coach is the ugliest?" Preliminary favorites include Connecticut (coached by Droopy Dog lookalike Jim Calhoun), Clemson (guided by Oliver "Admiral Ackar" Purnell), and Duke (Coach K--'nuff said).

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