Friday, August 29, 2008

That's How We Roll at Iowa Community College

Hey there! Are you a young and/or not-young adult looking for a good education? Well, why not try your luck at Iowa Community College? ICC offers a diverse range of opportunities for everyone from recent high-school graduates to adults seeking to continue their education.

Our perks include:

1. Free internet access!*

2. Free gym facilities!**

3. Free lunches in the school cafeteria!***

4. And most importantly, a fun-loving administration!****

So what the hell are you waiting for? Come to Iowa, and watch your Iowa-related dreams start to come true!

*Free internet can only be accessed through special computers, which can be purchased for $10,000 at student stores

**Lockers, showers $5,000 a person

****We don't actually have a cafeteria

*****He got fired, and we don't know how cool the new guy is about drinking

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