Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sign Me Up for #7

"The 15 Strangest College Courses in America" lists, as you might guess, some very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very strange courses. I could keep writing very until this blog post is longer than "War and Peace," and I still couldn't convey how strange some of these courses are. Or how stupid.

Take #6--please! (Ba-dum-dum) It's "The Science of Harry Potter." Hey, professor, I think I can explain it in one word: magic. You know those flying brooms? Magic. The avada kedavra curse? Magic. The hippogriffs, the goblins, the magic wands and potions and Horcuxes? Magic.

I admit to being a bit attracted to #1, "The Strategy of StarCraft." Please, please, please tell me that among the Course Policies, right beneath "No chewing gum in class," is "No zerg rush 10 min."

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