Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fatty, Fatty, Two-by-Four

I'd like to coin a new term: flubbernecking. What does it mean, you ask? Rubbernecking, as we all know, refers to the irresistible urge to ogle a car accident as you pass. You can't help looking at the mangled and twisted wreckage, even as your brain tells you to just keep driving.

Flubbernecking, then, is the equally irresistible urge to stare at the dietary equivalent of a car wreck. We can't help but gaze, in equal parts horror and disgust, on things like deep-fried twinkies or corn dog pizzas or meatloaf wrapped in bacon. It's written in our DNA.

This site
is a flubbernecker's dream. I warn you: you will see things that could give you cardiac arrest from fifty paces. You will see foods that Marlon Brando would look at and say, "Nope, that's a little too rich for my taste." Among my favorites:

-The bacon cheese pizza burger, a behemothic burger that substitutes two whole pizzas for a bun.
-The beef wellington bacon explosion, which takes the bacon explosion and makes it...worse. God help us all.
-The bacon cheeseburger with chocolate covered bacon, which raises a serious theological question: how could a just God allow something like this to happen?

With a hat tip to the wonderfully readable blog of Dr. Craig Newmark.

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