Thursday, September 18, 2008


About 22%, according to Rotten Tomatoes. For those of you not inclined towards the mathematical arts, that's about 11% per superstar. So if, for instance, the producers had opened up their wallets enough to buy the services of Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman, they could have boosted their rating to a much more respectable 44%.

When would you hit the point of diminishing returns? When would too many superstars spoil the broth, so to speak? I postulate that when you put more than five internationally acclaimed actors into a film, you will create a unstable disequilibrium that will tear the entire movie apart. I call this "Schultz's First Law of Movies."

To put it mathematically:

If X is the number of superstars, and U(X) is the utility derived from said superstars, then OH GOD WHY AM I DOING MATH AT 11:30 ON A THURSDAY NIGHT

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