Monday, January 12, 2009

List-O-Mania, Part II

Tell me: how is it that I, a total list fetishist, have remained unaware of Listology for so long? It's not just right up my alley. It goes right up my alley, to my front door, knocks politely and lets itself in, and sits down at my kitchen table for a nice chat. Sorry for the somewhat overly-elaborate metaphor.

But anyway, where else could you find a list like "The O.C. Episodes Ranked (1st Season)"? Or "The 10 Most Enjoyable Basketball Players on TV"? (Which is crap, by the way, as watching Ben Wallace play is about as enjoyable as brushing your teeth with steel wool and chili pepper).

And if you prefer "high" art, you can check out lists like this one of "The 100 Greatest Paintings of All Time." Granted, it's not really a GOOD list. The fact that the creator puts "The Potato Eaters" above "I and the Village" forces me to question his taste, good judgment, family history, and personal hygiene.

But that's what lists are for! That's why we make them! That's why I obsess about them way, way too much! Go check out listology, and if you're feeling in a listy mood, make up a few of your own. I'm currently working on my listum opus, "The O.C. Episodes Ranked (2nd Season)"

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