Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pok Tar, Gagh, Racht

No, the title does not refer to answers in the Jeopardy category "Sounds you make while choking on a bagel." If you were a true nerd, you would recognize them as various delicacies from the world of Star Trek. Of course, given that "Gagh" refers to writhing serpent worms, "delicacy" may be overstating the case.

But wait, there's more! Osol twist and pipius claw, gaspar and plomeek tea. Find them all on this website, a (seemingly) comprehensive list of Star Trek cuisine. It even features a recipe for making your own Klingon bloodwine.

And remember, as you read this, no doubt some nerd somewhere is shrieking, "What? They left off Gliptomic gel-fruit? SCANDAL!"

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