Thursday, July 8, 2010

In Conclusion

Let's say you were convicted of some unspeakable crime--butchering a busfull of orphans, perhaps. What would you choose for last words? Something thought-provoking? Obscene? Amusing? For ideas, check out this very brief history of last words.

The best line goes to convicted murderer Charles Birger, who, when asked where he wanted to be buried, replied "“A Catholic cemetery because that’s the last place the devil would look for a Jew.”

A personal favorite of mine--not included in this article--came from George French. On his way to the electric chair, French turned to a newspaperman and quipped, "I have a fantastic headline for you: 'French fries.' "

Me? Not sure yet. But I hope and pray my last words will run something like this: "Well, I suppose one more slice of double-chocolate peanut butter cheesecake couldn't hurt."

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