Monday, October 25, 2010

The 70s Are Back!

Remember Rick Perlstein? Smart guy, historian, subject of an anguished post on this very blog? Seems that he's currently writing a "political and culture history of the United States in the '70s." I guess Perlstein is slowly working his way through late 20th century America. What happens when he catches up with himself? an appetizer for his upcoming book, he serves up an essay on the existing historical literature about the 70s. Conclusion: there's not a lot of there there. Perlstein thinks there is a gap in the literature just waiting to be filled by...wait for it...a new book by Rick Perlstein!

Really, though, if anyone is up to that task, it's Mr. Eric Perlstein. I might whine and criticize. But I'm going to buy the book, read it in a day, and thoroughly enjoy it. Even grad students can enjoy things, right? Or did we forfeit that when we received our first stipend check?

1 comment:

Brice R. said...

You totally forfeited it.