Monday, January 18, 2010

Take the Game to the Other Guy For 11 Minutes and Don't Let Up

Let's say your favorite football team does the unthinkable and goes 19-0. 19 games, 19 wins, no losses, no ties. Now take the action from all 19 games--not the entire game, just the stuff that happens between when the ball is snapped and when the play is whistled dead. Put all of those plays together on one highlight reel.

How long do you think it would take to watch the actual plays from all 19 games? A day? Two days? Longer? Try shorter. Try, in fact, a little under 3 hours. That's because in a 60 minute NFL game, there is (on average) 11 minutes of action. That's barely longer than Stairway to Heaven.

So next time you're watching a football game and get the urge for pretzels, go ahead and get your snack. Chances are, the only thing you'll miss is some shots of a disgruntled second-string quarterback fondling his clipboard.

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