Monday, December 22, 2008

Living the High LIfe

Now here's a problem you don't run into every day, unless you live a very peculiar lifestyle. The Italian government seized 88 pounds of caviar from Polish caviar smugglers (those bastards!). The question: what do you do with 88 pounds of caviar?

The answer: feed it to the poor of Milan! It's a win-win, unless you're a poor person who doesn't like caviar. But seriously, how many of those are there in the world?

Other interesting note: according to the story, "Tests showed the caviar to be edible." What sort of tests were those? I'm hoping they weren't along the lines of, "Hey, Giuseppe, try this caviar I brought from home. How's it taste? Not poisonous or anything? No, no, I was just wondering."

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