Friday, November 21, 2008

Careful With That Axe, Madison

SI offers a helpful, illustrated look at some of college football's KUH-RAZIER trophies, from the Little Brown Jug to the Jeweled Shillelagh. A few of my favorites:

THE IRON SKILLET: Awarded the winner of the SMU-TCU rivalry game. Commemorates Texas's long and noble tradition of making pancakes.

THE OLD BRASS SPITTOON: The winner of the Indiana-Michigan State game gets their hands on this prize. Tip: never, ever look inside it.

PAUL BUNYAN TROPHY: At stake in the Michigan vs. Michigan State game. One of the more uncomfortably phallic trophies out there, and that's saying something.

COMMANDER IN CHIEF'S TROPHY: Given to the winner of the annual Army-Navy game. Winner gets to pick a country for the loser to invade.