Saturday, November 29, 2008

Better Late Than Never

There's restraint, there's extreme self-discipline, there's mortification of the flesh to a near-ludicrous degree, and then there's this:

Chicagoans Melody LaLuz and Claudaniel Fabien shared their first kiss Saturday at the altar. The two teach abstinence at the city's public schools and practiced what they preached to their teenage students.

Witnesses say they had a little trouble at first, but after a couple abortive attempts both were able to lock lips in a gesture that could, charitably, be deemed a "kiss." A few more tries were needed before they could pull it off without a hitch.

Then there's this kicker:

LaLuz and Fabien say they have no worries about how they will spend their honeymoon in the Bahamas.

Heh heh! Somebody's going to be getting to second base!

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