Monday, June 29, 2009

Pete Wentz: America's #1 Backpfeifengesicht

Courtesy Cracked, I give you 10 foreign words that would add a great deal to the English language. Who among us hasn't wished for a little nunchi? True, knowing what the word means doesn't equate to actually having it. But it would make it much easier to explain yourself:

"Sorry, honey! Didn't realize your folks wouldn't appreciate that joke about the rabbi, your dad being a rabbi and all. Guess it's just my lack of nunchi."

I'm also very fond of sgiomlaireachd, which is not the sound of a laryngitic Scotsman coughing up a lung. It's a Gaelic word meaning "When people interrupt you at meal time." As 1) someone who loves food and 2) a complete and unreconstructed misanthrope, I know the feeling.

I'll be settling down to lunch with a nice new book, and all of a sudden, some jerk comes walking up and tries to talk to me! Thankfully, I have a way of dealing with these unwanted intruders. I pretend that I'm a Russian grad student incapable of speaking English. Works like a charm! Although I think some of my high school friends are starting to see through my ruse...

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