Sunday, February 15, 2009

Holy Sapphic Love, Batman!

Watch out, evil-doers, there's a new Batwoman in town! I'll let the article do the explaining:

Billed as a "lesbian socialite by night and a crime-fighter by later in the night", the new Batwoman is clad in a figure-hugging black outfit with knee-high red stiletto boots.

She'll be the first homosexual superhero since...hmmmm, I don't want to give anything away, but let's just say his name rhymes with "Stuporman."

The article also mentions, in passing, that Batman was killed off last year. Yawn, Superheroes die like roaches, but they come back to life more often that a video game character in a level with lava pits. Batman will be back, trust me, even if it's only as Zombie Batman.

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