Thursday, September 23, 2010

Darkness Over New Jersey

Tuition at Princeton costs a little over $36,000. The college has about 5000 undergraduates. Do a little math and you come up with $18,000,000 from undergrads alone. All this cash, but apparently the university doesn't have one extra cent to spend lighting the campus.

When it gets dark, boy, does it get dark. We are talking pitch-black, Goth-kid-caught-in-an-oil-spill dark. You can't see the hand in front of your face. Yeah, at first this was because I was holding my hand over my eyes, but I fixed that problem and still couldn't see diddly.

The further you get from campus, the worse it gets. Nassau Street becomes a black hole from which not light can escape. You could be wearing a magenta blazer and puke-green pants and you would still vanish in the gloom. There. Are. No. Lights.

If I were the civic-minded type, I might complain to someone. But I am not civic-minded. My modus operandi is to vent my feelings into cyperspace on the off chance that whoever is in charge of lighting Princeton reads my blog. And if he does...hey! Buddy! Get to work!

1 comment:

JohnInPune said...

Maybe you could talk with these folks -