Thursday, May 28, 2009

Do That Voodoo

The following has taken the lead in the race for "Greatest Paragraph of the Year," a contest run and judged entirely by me:

Doherty then summoned a nurse who had, by prior arrangement, filled a large syringe with a powerful emetic. With great ceremony, he inspected the instrument and injected its contents into Vanders' arm. A few minutes later, Vanders began to gag and vomit uncontrollably. In the midst of it all, unnoticed by everyone in the room, Doherty produced his pièce de résistance - a green lizard he had stashed in his black bag. "Look what has come out of you Vance," he cried. "The voodoo curse is lifted."

Somehow, I don't think we'll be seeing that scene on "Grey's Anatomy" anytime soon. I'd be surprised, however, if "House" doesn't do something like this eventually.

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