Monday, July 21, 2008

Subway Story

Man, you get all kinds of crazies on the subway. I know that very well, having spent the last two months in Washington, District of Columbia. While the Metro is cleaner and easier to understand than, say, the New York Subway System, you'll still see the occasional guy who seems...a few cars short of a full train, if you catch my drift.

But I've never seen anything like the guy described in this San Francisco Chronicle story. So a guy wearing an "Indiana Jones-style hat" gets on a train, acts weird, drops a box with wires sticking out of it, and then pries a window off the train and jumps out? I'd say: call Jack Bauer. Or, if he's unavailable, just call the cops. Never trust a man wearing an Indiana Jones-style hat. Unless, of course, the man in question IS Indiana Jones.

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