Monday, June 9, 2008


The NY Post reports on one of the most curious stories in recent filmmaking: the new "Incredible Hulk." Now, nothing wrong with making a movie about the Hulk. Everyone loves the Hulk. He was a big, angry, dumb green guy who smashed things while trenchantly observing "Hulk Smash!" He was fun. No existential brooding for the Hulk. Bruce Banner might moan and agonize over the fury lurking inside him, but then he got mad...and things began to get smashed.

What's curious about this new film? Well, for starters, they made a Hulk movie just five years ago. Five years! True, it was a box-office bomb, but haven't the studios ever heard of letting dead films lie? Why do they have to resurrect the decaying corpse of Ang Lee's film and make it do a jig for money? Especially when there are so many other memorable superheroes just waiting to break heads on the silver screen. How about a Wolverine movie? Or the Justice League? Or Ant-Man, for God's sake!

Hmm...looks like they're a step ahead of me on that last one.

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